Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is anybody home?

Just though that I might check in on you all, I haven't heard from alot of you for a very long time! I just miss talking and communicating with you all...... If you have any project ideas or blog topics, just email me! Thanks Jake


  1. I've been really busy getting ready for First Communion and the end of the year Faith Formation. I've checked your blog, but haven't answered-sorry. I'm just starting on VBS things. Blessings to all. Cindy-FL

  2. I am busy with end of year school things, but am working on fact, most of the planning is already done! I went to VBS-U a couple of weeks ago...great time networking with other directors and seeing how Group VBS works. I am working on plans for our leader training at church in a few weeks.

    Our VBS Fishbowls fundraising is going great and the money we raise will be used to offset some of our expenses.

    We will also begin working seriously on decorations in the next few weeks. I have a talented mom in our church who is going to paint the backdrop for the stage. Pioked up "nets" at the Dollar Tree...good size, great for a buck!
    Would love to hear everyone's decorating ideas.
    Blessings! Jackie
