Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, I think I have a few minutes to spare, so I am going to post! I am not going to write much today, but I am going to ask you to comment or email.

How did you decorate your registeration area for CrocDock?

Just needing to know!

Thanks Jake

Pictures work too!!! :)


  1. Afraid I won't have anything to post today...but I did want you to know I was reading! This is our first year to use group, so we didn't do CrocDock last year. BUT...I will probably decorate HSE in a similar way to what we did last year...tablecloths on the tables, HSE sign on the wall of the church (we register outside), a directional sign with all the fun the kids will have, nautical flags, etc. We keep the registration area simple.

    Will be looking forward to everyone's ideas and pics from last year.

  2. I built a pond with tree and spanish moss and vines, with snakes and frogs and a gator at our entrance. I have pictures but I do not know how to post a picture to a comment.

  3. I had a big bulletin board next to the registration table and a blow up turtle and alligator. I had on a straw hat. I can't do a lot since I'm in the church narthex.
    This year I'll have the cardboard ship from OT and I'm not sure what else.
