Saturday, April 17, 2010


Sorry, I have not been posting.... I will try to stay up to date. I have a question......

How do you all handle T-Shirts? We want to get them for the kids, but 50% don't preregister...... what can I do........


Jake Engel


  1. I have debated for a long time about doing shirts. We have always done them for the volunteers, and I have generally bought a couple extra in the common sizes to have on hand for people who show up and offer to help. But I also think it is great to give the kids shirts, especially if we do them ourselves and are able to put the church's name on them. If we do them, I guess we will just have to buy enough to be safe and to generally purchase larger shirts (kids can wear shirts that are too big, if they're too small, that is a problem).

    As a side note, I am not a fan of the white kid's t-shirts that group is selling (um, the t-shirts are white, not the kids). They look cheap to me. If we do shirts we will either buy the iron ons or get a company to silk screen some of the clip-art.

  2. We pay for the staff, but if the kids want them they buy the t-shirts. I order so many in each size and it's first come first serve. I also buy the iron on for those who want them.

  3. We have a sign-up form at our church for all clothing items (T-shirts, vests, hats) and our church members can order if they want. Parents are encouraged to purchase shirts for any guests that their children bring to VBS as well. The shirts are pretty inexpensive and it's a nice little gift for non-church members. For any other area kids, we hope the online registration will help them get shirts if they want them.

  4. If you are guessing on sizes it's great to work from last year's numbers, and Tom is right, ordering bigger shirts is the safe way to go!
