Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 2

Welcome to my first topic on Project Blog it! I am going to talk a bit about registeration today!

Here are your questions to email me answers to:

  • How soon before VBS do you register?
  • How many kids Pre-Register?
  • How many kids come/don't pre-register?
  • How do you get kids to pre-register?

Pre-Registeration is a hard thing to do at our church. Kids just won't register from the community. Probably 75% of the kids DO NOT Pre register.

I am trying to come up with ways to get kids to Pre-register, but I don't think its gonna work.

I have came up with a process to register that is easy though.

I have typed in each kids registeration form from last year (THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!) and then I will print off a list of kids who I have info on, and they will fill out NO PAPERWORK!!!!

That is the best way I could think of!

:) Jake

PS- Send me your answers!


  1. Cool Email:

    We started "EARLY BIRD" Registrations this past week. Our VBS is being held on June 21-25. We are advertising "Early Bird Registration Fee only $10.00 and receive a VBS Tshirt and Bible Buddies while supplies last"

    We are considering upping the registration fee closer to time to like $15.00--and no tshirt (we will still prob give all the kids the bible buddies).

    We have never tried this before. Hoping it gives people the incentive to pre-register.

    Jayla Smith

  2. Other Emails:

    Most of our kids pre-register. We offer Groups's on-line registration andparents love it. We have less than 10 walk-ins. Even the community peopleregister on line or bring a registration form to the office.I also do a mail merge document for each child with contact information,health information, etc. that all parents have to do on first day is checkand see if it is correct and sign. The on-line registration can be put in anexcel spreadsheet. I email the contact information form when they registeron line as a confirmation. We are a small church but have about 80 VBSparticipants, 25 youth and 40 adult volunteers (adults are not all there atthe same time)

    I start to register in April, but must come in May and the first of June. (VBS is June 21-25).

    We have only a few that register the first day. (It’s the same family each year)

    We can have so many kids due to fire laws so it’s first come first serve.

    Father said we may have to go 2 weeks (I say only if I have the help)

    Opening day went well last year, we started half hour earlier and that helped with the

    new comers.

  3. We stuggle with registration. Usually we have a deadline, but always accept walk-ins so have to plan for extras. I wonder why it is so difficult to get people to register for a church event when they would be sure to register on time for a school or community activity. Any thoughts? Meg

  4. They probably think that the church is free, so it is not a big deal, when at school; they are REQUIRED to go and REQUIRED to pay fees.

    IDK, Jake

  5. How soon before VBS do you register? start June 1 for July 19 VBS
    How many kids Pre-Register? most
    How many kids come/don't pre-register? average 2/3 per year; one year we had 6
    How do you get kids to pre-register?
    I do a mailing and email to all previous VBS attendees.
    We have a sign board in front of the church to use. Last year the starter kit for the program we did, Passport to the Promised Land, included a vinyl banner. We just wrote on that with a thick black Sharpie.
    The local newspapers have community calendars where I have it listed. One newspaper also has a special church happenings page on Saturdays. This paper also has an online calendar of events. These are all free.
    I am a big proponent of deadlines. With every listing, postcard, mailing, etc I do I list a deadline date. Of course, we would not turn anyone away, but this seems to help.
    Most of our VBS attendees come from the community. We do have a few children from our congregation but most of the registration I do at the church is for the volunteers.
