Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 3

Today's topic is going to be " How to make your VBS better than the rest!"

  • How do you make your VBS Better than the rest?

  • Why do you feel your VBS rocks?

  • What's different about yours than others?

Before I forget to say, remember to check the comments, BELOW this page for info from others, if you email me replies, they go down there, and you all can dirrectly post them now. Also check out yesterdays comments, lots of cool ideas.

Our VBS is more Hands-On than the rest. We have the real life Bible Story and it makes the kids just really "get it". We love to have the adults get down and play with the kids! This makes for an awesome VBS. Decorations are a great part of our VBS too!

Have a rock'n day:


  1. Look here for cool comments!!!

  2. We are picky about what program we choose each year. If the theme speaks to us, we will do it. We are a United Methodist church. We have done programs from the Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, etc publishers. I will change the program to suit our needs.

    We also go over the top with decorating. Considering that we get no money from the church for the program, other than donations from the congregation, we do pretty well. We have had a lighthouse, a camp site, a big top circus tent, a train with working smoke stack, a waterfall in the rainforest, under the sea and a time machine in our sanctuary. Check out the VBS page at to see some photos.
