Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Awful me!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to Church Game Night, Created by: Jake Engel, CrossPoint President and Jenny Bowers, CrossPoint Senior Editor! We hope that this new program will reach out to the community and help you find fun ways to present the gospel. The 4Share page has a PDF of "Church Game Night Version 3" that you should open first!
Any Questions or comments:
Jake Engel, jtengel1@msn.com
Monday, May 3, 2010
Just had to give the info on Chuck Geoff.....
On Friday, I will give a link to CrossPoint's 4Share account and you will download and play with the new program! Look for it on Friday!!!
See you soon
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Is anybody home?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We're writing a book!!!
jtengel1@msn.com for submissions or questions!
Jake Engel at CPM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Some Questions......
- How can I know my spiritual gift?
- Is salvation by faith alone or faith plus works? Why?
- Do we have a guardian angels, what do they do?
- What does God think about adoptions?
- What does God think about abortions?
See what the paint program can do..........
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tell me your guesses!
P.S. I am in the process of changing my email.... Your mail may say that it is from CrossPoint Ministries (CrossPointMinistries@live.com) Just a heads up!
Jake (Again)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Field Test: CrossPoint Ministries First Product
Saturday, April 17, 2010
How do you all handle T-Shirts? We want to get them for the kids, but 50% don't preregister...... what can I do........
Jake Engel
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Random Question for everyone......
Just wondering.......................
P.S.- I like Cheese Pizza!
Friday, April 9, 2010
How did you decorate your registeration area for CrocDock?
Just needing to know!
Thanks Jake
Pictures work too!!! :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Journey Day!
Hope this helps people understand more what is going on, I might send some more pictures later. Here is a link to order the program, I give it 10 stars!!!!
http://www.cph.org/p-2379-journey-to-the-cross-an-easter-learning-experience-cd.aspx?SearchTerm=Journey to the Cross
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thank Goodness this is almost done!
Tonight, we will have a "preview" and "practice" event for those acting. This will be such a cool experience! Please pray for us!
Jake at CrossPoint
Thursday, April 1, 2010
CrossPoint is closing for GOOD.
Post comments of things you liked about Project: Blog it.
CrossPoint Team and Jake at PBI
Monday, March 29, 2010
Seems like I am "lying alot"!
Just a few topics that we can talk about this week................
- What kind of Midweek programs do you offer?
- What ages do you run your kids prorams for? (Midweek, S.S, VBS, etc.)
- Do you offer Children's Church durring services?
- Why do you like serving in the church?
- How do you handle registeration at church?
P.S- I just looked at weather.com and I think that we are good!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, My Final Post- Until Next Sunday! :)
This is my final post until next Sunday, because of my leadership in the Easter Services this week. Please pray for our Easter Program.
If you have ANY questions durring the week, don't hesitate to email me! :)
Journey Week is here!
Please pray for my church, First Marion Baptist and Seymour Indiana's weather so that we can have a successful program inside and OUTSIDE! :) Jake
Friday, March 26, 2010
Saturday, The first day on Journey Week! :)
I lied, not on purpose though!
10 Posts!
Today's Tipical Topics
- What changes do you make to the Group Program at your church?
- Do you use Group Sunday School/ Midweek Literature?
- Why do you choose Group?
- How do you feel about Group's music?
- If I didn't already use group, why should I?
Check Back for my answers tommorow. REMEMBER- I only send reminders on Mon, Wed and Fri, Yet I post daily! Thanks,
P.S.- I have decided it will be best for me to take next week off. We are coordinating the Easter Program and I have lots to do, so Monday, March 29- Monday, April 5 will will be gone. :) See yout tommorow.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It is already THURSDAY!!!
The problem is...20 minute stations- NO passing period (Ex. Rotation A ends at 7:15, then Rotation B starts at 7:15) No stopping.
We would never charge for VBS, you can't charge someone to hear the gospel.
I might write again in the morning.
Today, I am running short on time so I am going to pose a couple of questions for the comment section. You all should have gotten dirrections to post. I will speak on this topic tommorow
Why would kids come to VBS if they had to pay?
What time should VBS run?
How long should it take? (EX. 1 hour)
Should the kids get a meal?- adults?
Why do you accully read this blog????? - My big question :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Happy Monday!
Quickly I have a couple of things to ask, I want some answers:
At HSE do the kids have God sightings durring snacks??
What is different about chadder then?
Where are the buddies given out?
Any other general info that I need to know for 2011! :) Jake
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hope you all are.........
- Having a great weekend.
- Eating lots of cake for me
- Thinking about VBS
- Spending lots of money (NOT)
- Saving lots of money (THATS BETTER)
- Prepping for Sunday School: Thats Me
- Want to hear it?
- I can share it
- Really I will
- We are talking about lots of exciting stuff
- Biblical Questions
- Service Projects
- Pens for Kids project we just finished (www.pensforkids.com )
- A cool game from CM magizine
- Chocolate Milkshakes, Sheep on a small parkway and small yet greasy dougnuts (crazy game)
- What else?
- You want to know more?
- Oh, our Bible Search N find
- Will we be able to see all 3 members of the trinity in heaven?
- We like to eat tooooo
- IDK what kind of snacks today.
Gotta go, this is completly crazy, yet true.
Friday, March 19, 2010
How many of you have..........
- Visit Texas Roadhouse (YUM)
- Drink some Fruit Punch!!!
- Say YEAHAW for a birthday
- Say YEAHAW for another birthday
- Look at the next table
- See a big sign that says: Joyce, will you marry me
- See a guy on his knees proposing
- See sombody get engaged!
- Wow! Did lots of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!!!!!!!! -Jake
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day 3
- How do you make your VBS Better than the rest?
- Why do you feel your VBS rocks?
- What's different about yours than others?
Before I forget to say, remember to check the comments, BELOW this page for info from others, if you email me replies, they go down there, and you all can dirrectly post them now. Also check out yesterdays comments, lots of cool ideas.
Our VBS is more Hands-On than the rest. We have the real life Bible Story and it makes the kids just really "get it". We love to have the adults get down and play with the kids! This makes for an awesome VBS. Decorations are a great part of our VBS too!
Have a rock'n day:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 2
Here are your questions to email me answers to:
- How soon before VBS do you register?
- How many kids Pre-Register?
- How many kids come/don't pre-register?
- How do you get kids to pre-register?
Pre-Registeration is a hard thing to do at our church. Kids just won't register from the community. Probably 75% of the kids DO NOT Pre register.
I am trying to come up with ways to get kids to Pre-register, but I don't think its gonna work.
I have came up with a process to register that is easy though.
I have typed in each kids registeration form from last year (THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!) and then I will print off a list of kids who I have info on, and they will fill out NO PAPERWORK!!!!
That is the best way I could think of!
:) Jake
PS- Send me your answers! jtengel1@msn.com
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Welcome to OUR Blog!!!
*****Please continute to email me at jtengel1@msn.com because this silly blog program thinks my email is jtengel1 @gmail.com!!! It is messed up! :)