Friday, March 26, 2010

10 Posts!

Today is our 10th post anniversary! :) I hope we get to 100 and then we can have a celebration!!!

Today's Tipical Topics
  • What changes do you make to the Group Program at your church?
  • Do you use Group Sunday School/ Midweek Literature?
  • Why do you choose Group?
  • How do you feel about Group's music?
  • If I didn't already use group, why should I?

Check Back for my answers tommorow. REMEMBER- I only send reminders on Mon, Wed and Fri, Yet I post daily! Thanks,


P.S.- I have decided it will be best for me to take next week off. We are coordinating the Easter Program and I have lots to do, so Monday, March 29- Monday, April 5 will will be gone. :) See yout tommorow.


  1. We use a Lifeway at our church and I went to a Children's Ministry workshop two years ago when I was asked to direct all the children's programs. Wow is all I can say. I started buying the Hands-On Curriculum for my Sunday school class because it is amazing. The structure of the lessons made it easy to teach -- and so much easier for the kids to actually learn (which is what it's all about!)

    This is our second year doing a Group VBS and all the workers could see the difference in the program. To hear your teachers rave about the lessons (last year's Bible Bayou) is praise indeed! I mean, they had FUN teaching the lessons -- what a concept, teachers having fun, too!

    As far as changes I make -- I don't! To me, Group is perfect!

  2. Group VBS will be the first Group program that we have done. To my knowledge, our church has always used Lifeway's VBS. When I was looking at VBS programs for this summer, I was really drawn to HSE and after much prayer, I know that we have made the right choice.

    Why did I choose HSE for VBS? I really liked the Bible Points and the way the program is laid out. I love that the leaders are all so involved with the teaching and it sounds like it will so much fun for everyone involved! I think that the God Sightings will be a big hit with kids and teachers and keep the focus on HIM throughout the week. We are doing the blankets, and I really liked how the kids could get involved in missions, not just hear about them on a video.

    Lastly, I love music, love to is a passion in my life! I absolutely loved the Group VBS music amd I think that the kids will like the energy all the videos bring to the worship time.

    So, why did we switch from another publisher to Group for VBS? just seem "right."

    Everyone have a blessed weekend!!!

  3. Because we are a small church (VBS is just 35-50 kids), we need to make some adjustments to the program. We have an evening VBS and have found we need to have more than just a snack for the kids. Because of that it works best for us to have the food time seperate for each crew as they need more time to eat the meal. Also we have a mission project through our church organization so don't always use the mission they suggest. Or for instance, we may purchase the blankets this year but give them to a local charity instead of sending them back to Group.

    We've used Group VBS for over 10 years. I always love Group's music and the kids keep singing the songs for years. Each year I look at other VBS materials and often like their themes or Bible stories but as I read more I always am disappointed that nothing is as complete and easy as Group VBS. Whenever I have contacted Group with a problem or question they have responded quickly and as efficiently as possible. Although they are a big organization I really feel they are Christ centered and care about even those of us in small churches.

    Group materials are used occasionly for SS, Wed. night, and Children's Worship, but not used exclusively.

    Blessings, Meg

  4. Thanks Guys I will talk more about these tommorow!
