Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Monday!

Before I begin, I wanted to inform everyone, you will only get a reminder to check this blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; yet it is updated daily (Sometimes even on weekends- check out sat and sun's posts)

Quickly I have a couple of things to ask, I want some answers:
At HSE do the kids have God sightings durring snacks??

What is different about chadder then?

Where are the buddies given out?

Any other general info that I need to know for 2011! :) Jake


  1. As this is our 1st year to do Group, I don't know how much I have to offer, but I can tell you how we are going to do HSE at our church.

    We are going to do the God Sightings during the Cinema (I think that is how it is in book?). My leader for the cinema is really excited about incorporating God Sightings each evening.

    We aren't going to give the Buddies. I just can't justify the cost financially...we are small church and I had to prioritize how to spend the $$. Since we have never used Group before, the kids won't be expecting them anyway.

    I am exciting about HSE, but it will be a VERY different VBS for our a GOOD way!
