Monday, March 29, 2010

Seems like I am "lying alot"!

Sorry, Not meaning to lie, but I think that I need to post again today!

Just a few topics that we can talk about this week................

  • What kind of Midweek programs do you offer?
  • What ages do you run your kids prorams for? (Midweek, S.S, VBS, etc.)
  • Do you offer Children's Church durring services?
  • Why do you like serving in the church?
  • How do you handle registeration at church?



P.S- I just looked at and I think that we are good!


  1. 1. Our Faith Formation program has gotten bigger we have to offer middle and high school classes on Tues. and Wed. nights. We also have middle and high school youth group (students with all the sacraments) on Wed. nights.
    2. Sunday classes are Pre-K to 5th grade. Older
    students see #1.
    3. We have a 10am family Mass (homily should be for children but Fr. forgets)
    4. I enjoy what I'm doing.
    5. We're always trying something new. This year we're starting in April and if they're returning students they MUST be registered by the end of May, students take home the paper work and we will register after all the Masses in April and May. We will only except new families after May.

  2. For the first time, our church had a Wed. night program from Sept-April this year. It was for nursery through adults. There were classes for pre-2rd and 3rd-6th then youth. Three adult classes were offered, one Bible study, one ladies study and one book study. Twice a month we started with a meal at 6:00, which I think should be done every week for those who work until 5 or later. Other weeks the studies began at 7:00.

    SS classes are available for all ages through adults. We begin VBS at age 3 and go through those who have completed 6th grade. Then 7-12th are in the separate youth program.

    We have Children's Church for kids age 4-grade 5 twice a month from September-May.

    The only time we have registration is for VBS. I hand out sheets to parents to fill out for their own kids and if they are inviting friends they will take care of those also. I mail sheets to kids in the area who attended last year and hope they will bring them back filled in when they come. For other community kids we usually just take care of that when they come the first evening. We have several people at the table and start VBS early the first night to allow some extra time for that.

    When I serve at my church I am using the gifts God gave me and giving a little bit back to Him. It is a joy and a pleasure.

    Blessings, Meg
